Sunday, June 16, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 16: "Fabric"

Today, we play with...

As many of you know, I've been focusing on quilting for the past year.  As with other crafts I make, quilting produces a lot of leftover scraps in various sizes.  Normally, I attempt to cut up the scraps as I go so that I don't get overwhelmed.  However, that doesn't always happen and I quickly end up with a basket, bag, or box full of fabric pieces. 

I've spent the last few weeks cutting my scraps into 9.5 inch, 5 inch, and 3.5 inch squares.  Some have been sewn into quilts.

Some are in the planning stages for other quilts.  I also wanted to find some small projects to make with scraps that don't take as long as a quilt.  Then I remembered a video that Diana sent me.  I really appreciated how simple the process looked, so I whipped up a few to see if they were that easy.

For me, there was a slight learning curve, but they were pretty easy once I got the hang of it.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 15: "Pencils"

 Today's word is...

Yes, I know I used pencils yesterday, but these words really are pulled at random each day.  I decided to do a small practice piece in my sketchbook.  So fun.

Friday, June 14, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 14: "Paper"

Today, I'm playing with...

I recently spent the day with a couple of ladies in our church who are expert card makers.  One of them gave me her old manual embossing/die cutting machine.  After purchasing a few accessories and learning the easiest way to take the warp out of the cutting plate, I was ready to play.

Out of the five I made, the two on top were my favorites.  The card on the left uses a couple of the oval die cuts, my new stamps (that I need practice with), and some colored pencils.  The card on the right uses the circle embossing folder and my circle punches.  Just the few inexpensive tools have got my brain on overload with ideas.

So what did I learn?

  • Depending on the type of cutting/embossing plate, you can flatten out a warped one with a cookie sheet and boiling water.  
  • In tooling around with colored pencils, I learned that a colorless blender pencil will blend all types of colored pencils.  I've been learning to work with Prismacolor pencils, but I have a lot of Crayola and Rose Art pencils that I don't want to go to waste.
  • The best cardstock paper is solid core.  I had no idea there was a difference.  I thought it was all the same, but some paper has a white core no matter what color it is.  Solid core is, as the name suggests, the same color all the way through even when cut.  Now, anyone who receives the cards isn't going to care about what kind of paper I used, but solid core paper will make my cards look more crisp.

On my other blog, I mentioned that one of my goals for the year is to send a box of cards to Cards for Kindness.  I'm up to 40 cards.  I want to make at least 10 more before sending them off.  I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 13: "Miscellaneous Box"

 Today's draw...

Supplies, tools, and other detritus are stored in my miscellaneous boxes.  Boxes?  Yes, boxes.  I have my main box, my box that houses my stockpile of 8 x 10 stretch canvases, and my Christmas box.  This project was from the main box.  I thought I would work with the fall wood cutouts and button magnets I bought at the Dollar Tree three or four years ago (bottom right corner on the top of the pile).  

Yeah, I know it's too early for fall projects, but it's the first thing that came to mind when I saw the box.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Days 11 & 12: "En Plein Air"

 For today...

En plein air is a French phrase which simply means "in the open air."  Most en plein air artists create art featuring the surrounding environment.  For example, impressionist painter Claude Monet spent 40 years painting landscapes and still life pieces of objects and nature around his home and gardens.  Though I dream of going to the botanical gardens and painting some of the flowers, I don't yet have the artistic skills or the wherewithal to do something like that.  So, my substitute is simply to sit outside and paint.

Because I don't have a patio (though I have a sliding glass door that should go to one--yes, I'm still a little salty about that, especially since they have been doing exterior renovations on our buildings), getting set up on my front stoop is a little involved.  I have to bring out a couple of tray tables and a chair, plus all the paraphernalia needed for painting. Would it be easier to purchase a little bistro set for the space that I don't have to bring in and out?  Yes, but for some doorknob-dumb reason, the leasing company for my apartment considers that space the "common area."  Do what now?  It's in front of MY apartment, doesn't block my door, my next door neighbor's door, or the stairwell, and is in nobody's way.  

No, I don't get it either.

Now do you see why I want my own house?


The idea for the painting came from a photo I saw on Pinterest.  Though I worked outside for a couple of hours, I didn't finish the painting.  The fresh air did me good, but the heat started making me tired.  So, this necessitated my finishing the painting the next day.

What would you name this painting?

Monday, June 10, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 10: "Colour in Your LIfe"

Today's challenge:

Colour In Your Life
is a fabulous program showcasing artists from all over the world.  Since the original host died in 2022, only a few additional episodes were released.  As of today, the program's website is no longer active.  However, the show's YouTube channel is still up.

One episode that I frequently rewatch features Yelena Dyumin.  She is a Russian-born artist living in Sydney, Australia.  She specializes in whimsical surrealism.  Her design process is captivating.

As you can see in the video (you watched it, didn't you?), Yelena uses a variety of techniques.  I was intrigued by her use of the squeeze bottles combined with traditional techniques of shading and blending.  I thought I'd give it a try.

"Parasol Queen I"


So, I didn't get exactly what I wanted, but I don't hate it.  I did learn a few things.  First, I don't believe Yelena diluted her paint. In order to get the paint to flow with any kind of control, I watered mine down.  This explains why my lines are thick and flat looking.  As the paint lines dried, they flattened out, which made them much thicker and made some of them run together.  Second, as many times as I've watched this video, I didn't notice that she held the paint bottles straight up and down.  I was holding mine sideways, which made diluting the paint necessary.

This was fun and I would like to try this technique again.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 09: "Moriah Elizabeth"

Today's word:

Moriah Elizabeth is one of my favorite "crartists"--that's a mashup of "crafter"and "artist" she invented.  I started watching her YouTube channel several years ago.  Though she creates many types of art and craft projects, her specialty is squishy makeovers where she takes old damaged squishy toys and refurbishes them into art pieces.  In the process she has created many memorable characters.

If you've never watched her channel, I highly recommend it.  Not only is she extremely talented and creative, but her videos are also fun. She doesn't do tutorials per se; she simply invites the viewer into her design process.


I still had a few two-packs of small terracotta planters left that I bought at the Dollar Tree last year.  They've been in my craft cart staring at me, demanding to be painted.  When I pulled the challenge word, I decided to take the pots I had left (I broke one of them) and paint them based on some of her characters or projects.


Pickle the Dinosaur

Cousin Derp the Dinosaur
Georgie the Pineapple Duck


Cupie the Cute and Creepy Cupcake Girl

Watermelon:  Because hey, it's summer, and Moriah makes many watermelon-themed projects.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 08: "Three Color Challenge"

 Today's word was a doozie:

I've never done this challenge before, but I've seen others attempt it.  The challenge is simple:  I pick three colors at random and I must create an art piece using only those colors.  The thing is, some artists have different rules for this challenge.  Some allow themselves to vary the shades of the three colors while others only stick to the colors as they come in what ever medium is chosen.  Some allow the use of black and white while don't consider white and black to be colors.

I decided that black and white would be allowed as colors, but that I would use shades of the three chosen colors.  I used an app to choose the colors at random.  The app did me dirty since it gave me the same color more than once and the three colors it finally chose were brown, white, and yellow.

Brown, white, and yellow?  Really?

Oh, well...

Although the colors were hard to work with, I'm not unhappy with the results.  I sketched the idea myself rather than use a pattern. The white flowers would have shown up better on a blue, black, or gray background, but that would have been cheating.  When I can take my time without any restrictions, I may paint this one again on canvas with more flowers and greenery.

Friday, June 7, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 07: "Square"

 Today's challenge word is...

When I pulled the word this morning, I planned to do something a little more substantial.  However, work that pays must come first.  So during my lunch break I worked on some squares for a project I've been stitching off and on as part of my quest to use up all my leftover yarn.

Of course, I'll show the finished afghan upon completion.  So, what's it going to be? you ask.  Two hints: flannel and cattle.  

See y'all in the next challenge, Lord willing.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 06: "Write"

 Today's art challenge is:

Well, here goes...

More often than not, my pastor’s messages bring out the best (or at least the best attempt) in me.  This past Sunday was not one of those times.

To start, I am in no way denigrating or negating the message.  In the context of the series presented, it was timely.  However, this is one of those rare occasions when a sermon dampens my spirits and sends me spiraling into melancholy.  These are my thoughts and mine only.  For context, listen to the message (link here) or read Luke 10:38-42.

Sigh.  Here we go with another message making Martha the bad girl.  Does anyone ever look at this situation from her perspective?  I feel for her. She’s not evil; she’s doing the best with what she has.

I’ve been part of three very good churches and though they do certain things differently, they do one thing just alike:  When they need something done, they don’t ask for Marys; they ask for Marthas!  Who’s called on for children’s ministry, hospitality, administration, and all the other “ministries of helps”?  The Marthas who can “get ‘er done.”  The Marys are too busy sitting on the glory cloud being “too heavenly minded to be any earthly good.”  Cliché or not, it’s true.  The extreme Mary-types are the ones who can’t be counted on to get anything done or give of themselves.  They are too “spiritual” to get their hands dirty or to be around those who might get their hands dirty.

One of the things that stands out is that Pastor Gelinas makes mention of the fact that Mary even being in the room with Jesus to learn from Him was a breach of cultural mores.  This was not a woman’s place.  OK, so Martha was in her proper place.  Perhaps she would have sat at the feet of Christ had He asked for her.  She was trying to be the good girl by not being presumptuous or too forward, yet she is always portrayed as the legalistic martyr.

Why does this affect me so much?  I long to be a Mary but from day one as a believer was trained to be a Martha. The only time I’m allowed to be a Mary is during worship.  Though I miss it, I don’t have to be on stage playing an instrument; as long as I’m free to express my love for the Lord during the worship time, I get to be a Mary.  Other than that, the only acceptable place for me is as a Martha—a workhorse—a mere peon whose worth is based on “doing,” not “being.”  Again, the church lauds Mary, but in truth, Martha is who they want.

Somebody needs to make up their mind!

It reminds me of the words of Sojourner Truth, “Ain’t I a woman?”  Now, just as in Jesus’ day, society—both religious and nonreligious--has confined womanhood in a one-size-fits-all box of wife and mother (or at least mother if nothing else).  No one outside of that category gets to be a real woman and a true Mary. Though generally unrewarded, the hard work of those “unreal” women earns them at least a small crumb of humanity…sort of.  Martha was operating within her society’s “box of womanhood,” but was not, and is not honored for it.  Ain’t Martha a woman?