Wednesday, June 5, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 05: "Wood"

 The word for today's challenge is...

Wait.  Didn't you do a wood project yesterday?  Yes. But remember, these words are drawn completely at random.  I know that Christmas is one of the challenge words in the mix, however, I saw this simple idea on Pinterest and thought I'd give it a try.

Not bad.

Now, please remember that due to the nature of the challenge, these projects are just quick hits.  When I make more of these, I'll do a few things differently (along with not working so quickly):  

  • Use wood glue.  Hot glue is a wonderful invention.  However, no matter how much damage control I do, those infamous glue strings still show up.  Plus, it also creates a gap between the pieces.  It's not so noticeable on a project with so few pieces, but it can really throw off a larger project.  Been there, done that.
  • Cut the paper and backing smaller.  My quilting practice has improved the accuracy of my measurements--but apparently only with fabric. 
  • Use the printables provided.  Sorry, but her blog is so full of adds that it was hard to navigate.  I didn't know about the printables until I watched the YouTube video demo.  Now, you see why I won't put ads on my blog?
  • Find a nicer way to attach the hanger.  You can't see the back of this ornament (and quite frankly, if you're inspecting it that closely, you won't be the recipient of one--I don't need that kind of negativity in my life) but it is a piece of twine encrusted in a glob of hot glue.  It won't come undone, but it's just plain ugly.

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