Monday, June 10, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 10: "Colour in Your LIfe"

Today's challenge:

Colour In Your Life
is a fabulous program showcasing artists from all over the world.  Since the original host died in 2022, only a few additional episodes were released.  As of today, the program's website is no longer active.  However, the show's YouTube channel is still up.

One episode that I frequently rewatch features Yelena Dyumin.  She is a Russian-born artist living in Sydney, Australia.  She specializes in whimsical surrealism.  Her design process is captivating.

As you can see in the video (you watched it, didn't you?), Yelena uses a variety of techniques.  I was intrigued by her use of the squeeze bottles combined with traditional techniques of shading and blending.  I thought I'd give it a try.

"Parasol Queen I"


So, I didn't get exactly what I wanted, but I don't hate it.  I did learn a few things.  First, I don't believe Yelena diluted her paint. In order to get the paint to flow with any kind of control, I watered mine down.  This explains why my lines are thick and flat looking.  As the paint lines dried, they flattened out, which made them much thicker and made some of them run together.  Second, as many times as I've watched this video, I didn't notice that she held the paint bottles straight up and down.  I was holding mine sideways, which made diluting the paint necessary.

This was fun and I would like to try this technique again.

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