Saturday, June 8, 2024

30 Day Art Challenge 2024 - Day 08: "Three Color Challenge"

 Today's word was a doozie:

I've never done this challenge before, but I've seen others attempt it.  The challenge is simple:  I pick three colors at random and I must create an art piece using only those colors.  The thing is, some artists have different rules for this challenge.  Some allow themselves to vary the shades of the three colors while others only stick to the colors as they come in what ever medium is chosen.  Some allow the use of black and white while don't consider white and black to be colors.

I decided that black and white would be allowed as colors, but that I would use shades of the three chosen colors.  I used an app to choose the colors at random.  The app did me dirty since it gave me the same color more than once and the three colors it finally chose were brown, white, and yellow.

Brown, white, and yellow?  Really?

Oh, well...

Although the colors were hard to work with, I'm not unhappy with the results.  I sketched the idea myself rather than use a pattern. The white flowers would have shown up better on a blue, black, or gray background, but that would have been cheating.  When I can take my time without any restrictions, I may paint this one again on canvas with more flowers and greenery.

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